Website With SEO : Why WordPress Is The Best Platform
Website With SEO : Why WordPress Is The Best Platform
Did you know that the most successful SEO experts use and recommend WordPress? If you want to achieve a higher ranking on Google and other search engines, it’s important to make the best out of your search engine optimization for website with seo.
When using WordPress as your CMS (Content Management System), you are able to use a number of in-built features that make optimizing your content for search significantly easier.
Website With SEO
Here is the breakdown of the main reasons why WordPress is the absolute best platform to use as the foundation of your SEO success story.
1. URL SEO Friendly
They are called permalinks and look something like : https://yoursite.com/?p=123. Permalinks are the search-engine URLs for your blog post, web page, categories, and tag archives.
However, sometimes their structure makes it difficult for search engine crawlers to read and index your web pages and posts. Thus you will need to make it more accessible for both search engines and visitors.
2. Friendly SEO Titles
Did you know that just one word in a title can give a 59% increase in organic traffic? We suggest it be coded as an H1 or H2, depending on the theme you’re using.
Title tags tell search engines what your page is about. They also leave the first impression on those who see your article title in the search results.
SEO focuses more on the initial words of the titles. So, make sure to add keywords at the beginning of your title tag. WordPress allows you to optimize your title tags for SEO using the All-in-One-SEO-Pack plugin.
3. SEO Meta Descriptions
Meta description is the major ranking factor across the search engines. Shortly, it’s a brief summary of your blog post or a web page to both the search engine bots and web audience.
You can see it under the page link within a Google search result page. It can improve your position significantly so you need to add it to almost every post and page of your website.
4. Optimized Images
Your articles should also include images that go along with your content. They should be quality and relevant to the article. Images break up the flow of the text and improve the readability, making your content look more appealing and consistent.
Alt text is an attribute that can be added to an image tag in HTML. It improves user experience in general and accessibility for the people with poor sight who are using screen readers.
5. SEO Mobile Optimization
Websites that are responsive to mobile allow blog pages to have just one URL instead of two one for desktop and one for mobile. This way, your inbound links won’t be separated between the different URLs, which helps your article’s SEO.
Once you customize your website, you can check how it looks on different devices.
For most simple WordPress websites, there is a popular Jetpack plugin. When installing it, you are able to comply with Google’s mobile website standards.
If you’re a WordPress user, it’s easy to understand why WordPress is such a powerful platform. People might think WordPress is only good for blogging,
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